Halberton Primary School

Church Path, Halberton, Tiverton, Devon, EX16 7AT

01884 820585



The Staff at Halberton Primary School are committed to ensuring that all pupils are ‘stretched and challenged’ academically. We are all aware of the research showing disadvantaged pupils often fall behind their peers, achieving lower grades throughout their education. This is known as an ‘attainment gap’ and the purpose of the Pupil Premium (PP) is to ‘narrow the gap’. As a result of the evidence, the government introduced the PP in April 2011. Pupil Premium is paid directly to schools.

Halberton Primary School is determined that all pupils have the best possible chance to achieve through the highest standards of Quality First Teaching, focussed support, curriculum enrichment and pastoral care.

The school considers best ways to allocate Pupil Premium money annually following rigorous data analysis and the careful consideration of the needs of the pupils.

Objectives in spending Pupil Premium Grant:

  • To ensure that pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium Grant and Free School Meals are fit to learn both academically and emotionally.
  • To narrow the gap in terms of attainment for pupils in receipt of Free School Meals.
  • To accelerate progress for pupils in receipt of FSM.
  • To ensure that pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium Grant and Free School Meals are able to access all learning opportunities in the school curriculum including life experiences they may experience as part of clubs and education visits.

Who is eligible for the Pupil Premium?

  • Those who have been eligible for Free School Meals at any point in the last six years (also known as Ever 6 FSM)
  • Pupils whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces (or have served in the last 4 years also known as Ever 4)

Who is eligible for Pupil Premium Plus?

From April 2014 pupils who are looked after will attract a higher rate of funding than children from low-income families. These are pupils who;

  • Left care under a Residential Order on or after 14th October 1991 (under the Children’s Act 1989)
  • Left care under a Special Guardianship Order on or after 30th December 2005 (under the Children’s Act 1989)
  • Were adopted from care on or after 30th December 2005 (and are in R to Year 11)
  • Have a parent who self-declares their child’s status to the school, providing supporting evidence (e.g. adoption order); and where the school records on the October School Census that they have a child who meets the above criteria

 You can apply directly for Free School Meals/Pupil Premium here.