Halberton Primary School

Church Path, Halberton, Tiverton, Devon, EX16 7AT

01884 820585



On this page you will find some of our key policies, to view a policy click on the relevant link below. These policies form part of a regular review cycle by the governors and wherever possible the latest version is added to the website.

Accessibility Plan

Accessibility Audit 2024

Admissions & School Induction Policy

Admissions Policy 2022/23

Admissions Policy 2023/24

Admissions Policy 2024/45

Preschool Admissions Policy January 2024 to August 2025.pdf

Attendance Policy 2023

Attendance Policy - to be reviewed by TCLP

Attendance Matters - important information for parents

Anti Bullying Policy and Procedure

Behaviour Principles

Positive Behaviour Management Policy

Calculation Policy

Charges and Remissions Policy Nov 2023

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2023

Child Protection - Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023

Complaints - Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints

Complaints procedure

Complaints against governors

Curriculum Statement

Curriculum Policy

Cyber Bullying Policy

Data Protection Policy 2024

Education of Looked After Children in Schools

Equality Policy and Guidance 2022.pdf

Equality Objectives

Exclusion Procedures - Guidance

Fair Processing Notice

Governor Code of Conduct

Halberton Video Intercom Policy

Health & Safety Policy

Intimate Care Policy

Online Safety

Privacy Notice Pupils November 2023

Relationship & Sex Education Policy

Remote Learning Policy 2022.pdf

School Complaints Procedure 

SEND Policy


Statement of Ethos & Values

Stretch and Challenge

Supporting students with medical conditions

Uniform Policy - 2022

Whistle Blowing Policy